Originally Posted by Greger
So, Jeffery, correct me if I'm wrong...

You believe that roughly half of all Americans are guilty of treason and should be hung.

Like the goddam Rosenbergs...every last one of them. Starting with Trump.

That every other eye you meet is a dangerous enemy who wants you dead just like you want them dead.

That any political thought unlike your own is a reason to lock up or exterminate the ...infidels?

You seem also to feel that corrupt politicians are a new thing and that this has never happened before...and that extermination or incarceration is the only answer because it's simply unthinkable that they should ever defeat you at the ballot box.

I get the idea that you yourself are only inches from decrying elections frauds if YOU don't like the outcomes, because the treasonous Republicans shouldn't even have a RIGHT to vote.

That no election run by Republicans can be considered fair and that any election won by a Republican was probably rigged...

That's the territory you're staking out here.

Sounds like the old tea party guys used to sound back in the day, and they sounded like crackpots.

Proof once again that you skim instead of read.
Perhaps going back and re-reading what I posted might help.
Or not...

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