Originally Posted by Greger
Was there something in the fine print that negated the billboard?

There wasn't any fine print, Greger.

Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
"What the MAGAts have succeeded at is staying out of prison.
No no no not the ordinary peasant MAGAts, the elites."

I never advocated mass arrests as you're implying.
I realize that you're desperate to paint me as some handwringing hysteric and you'd like to make your accusation that I've turned into the very monster I'm pointing at stick somehow, but your assertion is the product of lazy thinking and broad sweeping generalizations.

The crowd turned cultlike because effective cult leaders know the magic.
I want justice delivered to the ringmasters, and I want to see the scales fall off the eyes of the cult members so that they finally see that what they've been worshipping is a false idol.

Beats the hell out of having to take up arms against them if they finally decide to follow Roger Stone's prescription:

"I said f*** the voting, let's get right to the violence."


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