Originally Posted by pdx rick
Some Americans are already living in a world of Republican "democracy" in their red state - Republicans are taking women's rights-away of her own body away! mad

Viktor Orban coined the term "ILLIBERAL DEMOCRACY".
The sound of that makes my skin crawl.
Reading it in print makes my hands twitch.

In the past others have labeled it "managed democracy" .
A managed democracy is technically a democratic government that functions in reality as a de facto authoritarian government or in some cases, as an autocratic government.

Such governments attempt to put on an air of legitimacy by holding elections that they pretend are free and fair, but which do not and cannot change the state's policies, motives, and goals because opposition candidates are prohibited from running unless they are granted license to by the autocracy. The managed legislature acts basically as a rubber stamp to grant continuing authority to whatever the autocracy demands irregardless of the will of the people.

Learn to love that yoke, Greger.

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