And if you aren't aware of Mussolini's fate I'll let you Google it yourself. It isn't pretty.
Politics as usual.
Now I know "fer 100 percent sure" that you seldom if ever actually read anything I say.
Not just a few weeks ago I specifically mentioned the deets on Musso's fate and hinted a form of that might be the only solution to Trump's mobster gambit of drowning the judicial system in a billionaire's blizzard of paper terrorism.
I mentioned in detail how the Italian government in exile (CLNAI) tried Musso, found him guilty and sentenced him to death, and I made a fine point about how the courts never got to carry out their sentence because the townspeople got to Musso first when they caught him trying to escape to the North.
But regardless, the court's sentence was legal.
I posted it here, on Twitter, on Facebook and on Debate Politics.
I kept posting it and posting it and posting it repeatedly, wondering if the day would come when one of the social media platforms would drop the hammer on me for whatever reason.
It's rather obvious that you must have skipped right on past it.

Not upset about that at all, now that I know you really couldn't care less what happens.