Originally Posted by jgw
The Republicans have about 4 things to talk about; Crime, Inflation and the Economy and Taxes.
So what’s the Republican plan to deal with each of those items? Try to repeal Obama Care for the 82nd time?

In the two years the Dems have been in office, they have passed legislation that:

  • Lowered med prices for Medicare
  • Allocated funds for infrastructure improvement - which Repubs voted against
  • Allocated funds to make the US a microchip manufacturing leader
  • Passed legislation in helping America move from fossil fuel and allocated money for training and schooling in new energy jobs
  • Provided critical funding for families during COVID
  • Reduced the deficit

What have Republicans done for the past two years but sit around with their thumb up their asses, whining and complaining about a so-called stolen election - which is a lie, by-the-way, and planning their fascism for America in the long-term if they get back into office.

As as crime is concerned, eight of the top ten cities for crime are located in red states. Indeed, Republicans need to deal with THEIR crime-filled cities. For the record, Chicago is 11 on the list, but Republicans make you think it’s number one - because conniving pathological lying gaslighters are like that.

As far as taxes go, the 2017 Republican tax cut for the middle-class expire in 2024, yet the Republicans didn’t put an expiration date for the rich tax reform to expire. Imagine that!

So if folks think that the Dems don’t have it together enough and think having a Republican controlled government is so great - have at it. I’m sick and tired of the unappreciative so-called left-leaning whiny-assed voter. You get the America that you deserve if the Republicans take over! mad

Contrarian, extraordinaire