Originally Posted by Greger
By the way, are you of the opinion that all these nations who have been burned down by such excesses all recover and that life in those places goes back to normal again?
Ever talk to the families of people impacted BY those excesses?
Ever talk to the former residents of the United States about their suffering?

The ones we still keep in internment camps? Or the former residents of Africa, who we brought here in chains?

The only reason I wasn't born in Germany is that my many time's great grandfather was conscripted there to fight for the British in the Revolutionary war. He was then captured in battle and agreed to fight for American forces in return for 40 acres of land.

When Charlemagne went door to door and asked "Pagan or Christian?" My ancestors wisely said "Christian" So that pagans would survive.

Have I told you of the burning times? When my people were burned wholesale across Europe and here as well?

The answer is yes, Jeffery, people rebuild as best they can and life gets back to normal. Until the sh*t hits the fan again and it's rinse and repeat...

Politics as usual isn't just the soft warm summer breeze, it's the cold winds of winter too.

If your ship isn't worthy in a storm, it wasn't much of a ship to begin with.

Hey, if you're okay with thugs and armed mercenaries stealing your family's assets and just saying "no big deal" I guess you'll be okay with it happening again under our constitutional republic.
Enjoy the yoke.

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