When did you say the thugs were coming? In 2024 if a Dem doesn't win? Or if Garland doesn't prosecute...that's what Rick says will trigger the apocalypse.
What if they don't come and seize my assets by then? What if Garland doesn't prosecute and life goes on as normal? Yall sound like them preachers that forecast the end of times...and keep moving the dates up when the sun continues to rise.
Life going on as normal:
The situation with the poll watcher had gotten so bad that Anne Risku, the election director in North Carolina's Wayne County, had to intervene via speakerphone.
"You need to back off!" Risku recalled hollering after the woman wedged herself between a voter and the machine where the voter was trying to cast his ballot at a precinct about 60 miles southeast of Raleigh.
The man eventually was able to vote, but the incident was one of several Risku cited from the May primary that made her worry about a wave of newly aggressive poll watchers. Many have spent the past two years steeped in lies about the accuracy of the 2020 election.
Those fears led the North Carolina State Board of Elections in August to tighten rules governing poll watchers. But the state's rules review board, appointed by the Republican-controlled Legislature, blocked the new poll watcher regulations in late September, leaving election officials such as Risku without additional tools to control behavior on Election Day, Nov. 8.
Election Officials Brace for "confrontational" Poll WatchersDid you forget the ARMED confrontations at polling places in 2020?
![[Linked Image from media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com]](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-1240w,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2020_42/3420820/201016-ONE-TIME-USE-marion-virginia-militia-ew-252p.jpg)