Who cares, Walker isn’t going to win in Georgia. I’ve placed Georgia in my rear-view mirror. Unless something unforeseen happens between now and November, Warnock will keep his seat. He’ll probably win by 5 points or around there. I’m focused on PA and NV in the senate, some on NC.

36 house democrats are either retiring or running for higher office vs. 18 Republicans. Open seats are much easier to flip than beating an incumbent. Greger has this right.

Then for Rick, there’s this.

Republicans Gain Edge as Voters Worry About Economy, Times/Siena Poll Finds


Regardless of all the above, I still see the Republicans gain 11-13 house seats and control. While the senate stays at 50-50 or the Democrats gain a seat, PA for a 51-49 advantage if they don't lose NV. NV is interesting as Hispanics are voting more and more Republican. Which is a huge win for the Democrats as the historical average with a president whose approval is hovering around 40% is 48.5 house seats lost, 6 senate seats lost along with 4.25 governorships. The Democrats are posed to gain at 3 governorships. 3 weeks to go, things can and will change.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.