Originally Posted by jgw
Its a mystery, the Republicans never tell anybody what they are going to do, only what they don't like. They also don't do much as well. Except they seem to win a lot.
In our two-party electoral system, the party out of power doesn’t have to. Elections are usually a referendum on the party in power. If a voter likes what is happening and what the party in power is doing, they'll vote to keep them in power. Don’t like what the party in power is doing or what is happening, your situation, you vote for the party out of power. There’s only one viable choice or alternative to the party in power, the party out of power. This has been our system since Andrew Jackson established the modern Democratic Party which opposition to him and his party formed the Whigs, later the Republican Party replaced the Whigs. Since Old Hickory, this has been our only real choices.

As I said many times, the party out of power doesn’t have to stand for anything, do anything, say anything, they just have to be there as an alternative to the party in power. At least for swing voters or independents. Those who call themselves Republicans and Democrats are going to vote for their party’s candidates. Independents tend to vote for the party in power when their happy, vote for the party out of power when they’re not or dissatisfied with or angry at the party in power. It’s really quite simple.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.