2020 was a very weird election, no historical standard to compare it to. It was a 100% pure anti-Trump election, no more, no less. 2020 had a ton of ticket splitters who voted against Trump, for Biden and then voted Republican down ballot. It came within a hair of Biden Trouncing Trump with the Republicans remaining in control of congress, both the house and the senate. If it weren’t for the 2 Georgia senate runoffs in Jan 2021, it would have been divided government. Republicans Perdue and Loffler won a plurality of the vote in Nov, but failed to reach the mandatory 50% plus one vote.

I think most folks didn’t know who they wanted in charge of congress in 2020, but they did know they wanted Trump gone. If it weren’t for the Democrats gaining 10 safe seats during redistricting, the gerrymandering wars, everyone and their brother, including Rick would realize the house is a goner. The senate has revolved around the same 5 or 6 states, AZ, GA, PA, NV, WI and at times NC. 35 senate races this year, only 6 competitive and only 2 that look like they may switch.

Wildcard, Alaska. With Alaska’s ranked voting, perhaps the Democrat could win there. I have looked at or followed Alaska. But with the special election for Alaska House seat being won by the democrat via ranked voting, anything is possible way up there.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.