But every new election sets records for money spent and raised.

Pretty much. It's getting people off the couches though, which I count as a plus.

The more people you get involved the better democracy works.

It is both the dark cloud and the silver lining of the Citizens United decision.

Unfortunately, Our Corporate Overloards™ have more money than we do...but fortunately some Corporate Overlords™ side with us on some things...

Quite a lot of them in fact...abortions are WAY cheaper than pregnancies. And religious people think they should get Sunday off.

Does Corporate America want a fascist, single-party, repressive austere Handmaid's Tale society?

If they do they'll get it. Because they wield the Golden Sword that cuts all things before it.

But I don't think they do. I think they like this active spend-thrifty 24/7 business model they've got running right now. It has made them insanely rich.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...