It won't be over even after the fat lady sings. It's only the beginning of a new congressional term.

Then we can turn our eyes and forecasts to the next election. Which, will also be the most important election of our lives just like every election before it.

I think Nate Silver of 538 fame is seeing something I’m not or I’m just slow to climb aboard. He had the GOP at a 29% chance of winning control of the senate in September, today he has upped the Republican chances to 43%

It's a hedge...Reeps likely won't take control of the Senate, thus it's still well under 50%, but the recent surge in Reep's favorability has forced his models into a tailspin so he needed to adjust his numbers. It's a close race that will most likely end in a's not 50/50 but it's close...and there's not much wiggle room...only 30 Senators up for reelection, all 435ish house seats are up for grabs... a lot more room for surprises there, In both directions.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...