Did you skip over this post with its very important argument for why a Republican SCOTUS majority will end democracy?

No, I didn't. Why did you assume I would...perhaps it's because you skip over everything I write as soon as you get triggered?

I'm sure it's a very important argument. But it's an argument, not a fact. You seem to accept it as a fact. One that hasn't happened yet but it will. And must be accepted as god's own truth against which no other argument may be heard.

That's the kind of "facts" you keep pounding me with to prove to me that America is a failed democracy. Facts that might happen someday or might not. And every new report proves that the future is just as you say and set in stone and no argument may be heard...

Republicans are real. Just like climate change. Either you learn to mitigate the damage or you become extinct.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...