Rs are running on inflation. Educated voters know that inflation currently is 100% due to greedy corporate profits. The evidence was presented in a House hearing this week. The R inflation outrage is a red herring.

Rs are running on immigration. That too is a red herring. Why? Because in 2013, the Republicans had a chance to reform immigration - but they chose not to.

  • A bi-partisan bill was passed by the Senate
  • The House GOP majority refused to let the bill be debated.
  • Obama said fine GOP House, propose your own bill.
  • The GOP House refused.
  • The House GOP then went on a media tour demanding that Obama do something about immigration.
  • Obama used his Executive authority to reform immigration.
  • The House GOP called Obama a tryrant for doing exactly what they asked him to do.

The bottom line: Republicans are conniving pathological sociopaths - there is no other explanation to their behavior. mad

Contrarian, extraordinaire