Originally Posted by perotista
I was talking elections, in 2008 presidential campaign, Obama and the democrats blamed Bush for the bad economy. Just like the Republicans are blaming Biden today. Either a president, government is responsible for a good or a bad economy or they’re not. You can’t pick and choose and be honest with yourself. I believe the economy runs in cycles, it’s cyclical. All a president or government can do is play around the edges. The economy is going to do what the economy wants to do. Think about it, if a president or government could control the economy, we’d have all ups, no down. All good time booming economy, not bad time recessions. None can.

We do however have a history of giving credit to presidents when the economy is going great guns and blame when it turns sour. That’s politics 101 with the vast majority of the American people.

According to Politifact, Republican presidents since Ronald Reagan have exploded deficits, while Democrats have brought deficits down.
Reagan sent the deficit from $70 billion to $175 billion. George H.W. Bush took it to $300 billion.
Bill Clinton—with help from Bush’s willingness to raise taxes—got the deficit to zero. George W. Bush took it back up to $1.2 trillion with unfunded wars. Barack Obama cut that back to $600 billion. And Trump’s tax cuts sent it skyrocketing again, even before pandemic spending sent it higher still.

Biden emphasized that Republicans have told us what they will do if put back into power. They will pass massive tax cuts for the wealthy, after which they plan to repeal the administration’s actions—like the ability of Medicare to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies, made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act—that are bringing down the deficit. After their plan explodes the deficit again, they have said they would cut Medicare and Social Security.

But sure Pero, let's hear some more about how both parties are equally bad for the economy.
Let's hear more about how both parties only play to their base.
Let's hear some more about how "the independents" would never vote against their own best interests.
Let's hear some more about how the economy runs in cycles.
Sure it does, but when one party is literally doing its best to run the economy into the ground, it's hard to swallow all the "bothsiderisms" being crammed down our throats.

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