Chalk all this talk as normal political propaganda from both major parties.

Pretty much, I reckon all that voters need to do to find out which party is going to destroy democracy in America is to allow each a chance to govern in turn and find out whether democracy is destroyed in the end.

Trump's party had a chance and was soundly rejected even though the economy was good up until the pandemic. His midterms were devastating despite a "good" economy. He lost the House in the midterms and the Senate in his reelection bid.

Biden's party got a chance and did pretty well up until inflation, His midterms aren't looking nearly as devastating...Biden has two years remaining for the economy to cycle back to something that more closely resembles normal. Democrats will then be judged the better in their handling of the economy and will take back the House in 2024.

But only if Biden doesn't run.

Even on his best days, he comes across as a doddering old fool.
If Biden runs and loses in 2024 it will have nothing to do with Reeps destroying democracy and everything to do with Dems fielding a candidate who is too old to even campaign effectively, much less run the country another 4 years.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...