Giving the party out of power a chance when one becomes dissatisfied with the party in power is a time-honored tradition. Presidents since Truman have alternated political parties. A D, then a R, then a D, then another R and so on with the lone exception of Reagan to Bush the elder. The people have given one political party a limit of 8-year reign. Now the house was different, different when the Democratic Party was the big tent party. As I stated the democrats controlled the House in 58 out of 62 years with a string of 40 straight. But then again, that was when the Democratic Party was the big tent party. It’s not any more as the democratic party seeks ideological purity just like the GOP. Since both parties began their search for ideological purity, we had the house change control in 1994, 2006, 2010, 2018 and probably in 2022.

Which proves what? Perhaps people are dissatisfied with the way the party in power is governing regardless of which party that is? Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps it’s the way both parties govern? Governing the way the Republicans do, making their base happy doesn’t make the other 70% of Americans happy. Governing the way the Democratic Party does, making their base happy, doesn’t make the other 70% of Americans happy. Counting independent leaners, you could say 40% instead of 30% which is right around each major party’s base. Even so, you’re still leaving 60% of America unhappy.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.