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Finland PM: Russia's use of nukes will be its'last mistake'.
WE even got our share of villainization for using nukes and that was in response to Japan's continued attacks PLUS their plans to keep attacking others as well.
Unlike USA vs Japan, Ukraine did not declare war on Russia, so I would imagine that ANY use of nukes, even their so called "TACTICAL" ones (which carry larger yields than Fat Man and Little Boy) would result in pretty much EVERY nation on the planet cutting ties and trade with Russia, even the ones that need their oil and gas.
I think even China and Iran would take a step back and rethink. Once Russia drops a nuke, there IS NO MORE reasoning with them, they are no longer a rational actor.
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"Meanwhile in Russia: genocidal denials of the Ukrainian identity from the host and his guest. They claim that Ukrainians are just mentally ill Russians, whom they will "cure" once Russia wins. They propose destroying all Holodomor memorials. They discuss killing Americans." Watch:
Sounds like the Kremlin has changed its rhetorical bombardment campaign from "denazification" to deSatanization!
So I guess we can expect Putin to splatter goats heads and upside down pentagrams everywhere to scare the crap out of the Russian people? If our Putinist good buddy ever shows up again, we'll get treated to
"SEEEEEE!!!! Ukraine is full of Satanists controlled by Nato/Biden/USA/EU/Coldplay/Ed Sheeran!!! etc to attack poor defenseless Russia run by lovely kind man, the botoxed war gnome of Leningrad!!!! Wake up sheeple!"
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com
Not to interrupt Jeff’s hysterics and propaganda screeds but does anyone else find the FTX meltdown hilarious?
Dem Congress rubber stamps billions to a far right proxy government of Ukraine. Far right government invests in FTX. FTX invest in Dem party. What a racket.
With incoming Republican control of Congress one wonders if we’ll get show trial investigations into the matter. My money says no. Both right wing parties did trips to the Ukraine where dark deeds got done and transfer arrangements get made.
Not that there isn’t precedent for liberalism getting into bed with fascist when there’s money to be made but this is a tragicomedy unfolding on a large scale.
My money is on the tried and true ‘good faith investors defrauded by a single bad faith individual’ and they’ll move on to the next Lex Luther comment claims accompanied by hysteric upper middle class aghastitude.
Not to interrupt Jeff’s hysterics and propaganda screeds but does anyone else find the FTX meltdown hilarious?
Dem Congress rubber stamps billions to a far right proxy government of Ukraine. Far right government invests in FTX. FTX invest in Dem party. What a racket.
With incoming Republican control of Congress one wonders if we’ll get show trial investigations into the matter. My money says no. Both right wing parties did trips to the Ukraine where dark deeds got done and transfer arrangements get made.
Not that there isn’t precedent for liberalism getting into bed with fascist when there’s money to be made but this is a tragicomedy unfolding on a large scale.
My money is on the tried and true ‘good faith investors defrauded by a single bad faith individual’ and they’ll move on to the next Lex Luther comment claims accompanied by hysteric upper middle class aghastitude.
So we're going to just take your word for it that Ukraine actually played with FTX funny money. Oh wait, Jesse Waters over at Fox!
This is bigger than Bernie Madoff, but unlike Bernie Madoff, who was getting rich off a Ponzi scheme, the Democratic Party was getting rich off of FTX. FTX came onto the scene in 2019, and it spent $10 million to put Joe Biden in the White House in 2020. And the guy running FTX, the second-biggest Democrat donor in the midterms after Soros, of course, spent $40 million to get Democrats elected.
I like watching blowhard liberals who've made their fortunes the old fashioned way, by marrying into it, that offer their 'how I think the world should be run' views that get them back slaps at the next charity gala. Friedman's a classic at this and gets mocked as he deserves to be. Unfortunately, the hedgemonic PMC listens to this boob and thinks he's a smart guy when any honest read of history, both past and near past, should help you come to the conclusion he's a straight up gas lighting fancy lad who wants to please people with more money than he enjoys.
Dear lord!, lissen at him and behold the majesty of stupidity and arrogance...
Strong 'benevolent white father' vibes with no reference to the overthrows, coups, debt leveraging and election interference the US has engaged in going back to the Monroe doctrine. S"funny, he reminds me of the doppelganger of the Oakley wearing reactionary rightwinger in his truck doing political screeds cept Tommy doesn't drive? Preferring to be driven? Dunno. It's amazing how dumb you can be and get media attention with enough money.
Libs love this guy. I'm coming to the conclusion that liberalism is another word for political vanity and little else. Anyhow. quite a death toll piling up now in Ukraine. Doesn't seem to be any ammo or missiles running out. Looking like a hammer blow on the horizon. It would have been nice to avoid the deaths and destruction and simply negotiated a security framewok instead of rolling weapons systems up to the Russian borders but the PMC had to have their war.