Gee ... you're arguing all politicians are above the law. Sweet .... Trump loves you.

The question isn't about the law, it is about politics. There is little to no doubt Trump committed a crime and probably Patel, Solomon, and some of his attorneys in the documents case. If he isn't indicted by any AG, you may as well use the Constitution for toilet paper. Our Democracy would be dead. All that talk about inalienable rights would be nothing but stale carbon dioxide exhaled by old dead people. Should one repudiate the idea of Democracy, one would essentially be saying we should all live in a dead match where laws don't matter, where the weak get used as cannon fodder, and the strong abuses everyone.

I don't know, but me and my 13 Revolutionary War ancestors kinda think the idea that everyone are equals before the law (even in a flawed society) is a worthy concept, an transcending concept.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!