Hmm, the senate is getting interesting. Walker has taken a slight lead in the polls in Georgia over Warnock. Although I still favor Warnock to win.

Fetterman’s lead in PA has dropped from 9 down to 1.

Laxalt in NV has a very slight lead. Republicans have made inroads in the Hispanic vote there.

AZ, Masters has pulled within a single point of Kelly.

But some good news for Democrats, in OH Ryan has pulled with 2 points of Vance. Vance was a stupid choice for the GOP.

For Greger, Rubio is up by 7.4 points

In WI, Barnes had the lead until the end of September, now it’s Johnson by 3.

In NC, Budd and Beasley were tied in September, now Budd has the 4.5-point lead

This election has been a tale of momentum and trends. The first one Republican from January up to the first week of August. Then the momentum and trend switched to the Democrats. But the end of September the momentum switched back to the GOP as the above shows. The same momentum, trend is shown in the House, the generic congressional ballot where the Republicans had the lead from January until August when the democrats took the lead and promptly lost the lead and momentum at the end of September.

According to Nate Silver of 538 fame, he gives the Republicans a 46 in 100 chance of winning control of both the house and the senate. A 35 in 100 chance of the Republicans winning the house and the democrats retaining the senate with an 18 in 100 of the Democrats retaining both the house and the senate.

Personally, I still favor the Republicans gaining 11-13 seats in the house with a 50-50 senate tie which means the Democrats with VP Harris casting the tie breaking vote retains control. Although this present trend, momentum needs keeping an eye on.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.