Originally Posted by Kaine
I know what they said about Mr. Biden being the only one that could have beaten Mr. Trump in 2020. I don't believe it! People were tired of Trump. I think if they voted for Biden, they would have voted for any democrat, just to get away from Trump.

I still believe that. In 2024, if Trump runs again, I still think any democrat has as good of a chance of winning as Biden does. I actually also think, that if Trump runs in 2024, that Biden could very well be the weakest democratic opponent. A lot of people do not want Biden to run again in 2024 - including me.

Democratic Party Shenanigans forced Joe Biden on us. Now we have a weak, senile old man in the Whitehouse and a tanking economy.

We coulda had Bernie, Beto, or Liz in charge.....

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...