Originally Posted by Greger
Originally Posted by Kaine
I know what they said about Mr. Biden being the only one that could have beaten Mr. Trump in 2020. I don't believe it! People were tired of Trump. I think if they voted for Biden, they would have voted for any democrat, just to get away from Trump.

I still believe that. In 2024, if Trump runs again, I still think any democrat has as good of a chance of winning as Biden does. I actually also think, that if Trump runs in 2024, that Biden could very well be the weakest democratic opponent. A lot of people do not want Biden to run again in 2024 - including me.

Democratic Party Shenanigans forced Joe Biden on us. Now we have a weak, senile old man in the Whitehouse and a tanking economy.

We coulda had Bernie, Beto, or Liz in charge.....

A lot of us A LOT, voted for Bernie, or even Liz.
Liz did not garner enough votes, no shenanigans, she just didn't have the secret sauce.
And Bernie was not a Democrat...I realize he voted WITH Democrats but he repeatedly made the point that he WASN'T.
So should GM start helping FORD make cars because both brands have steering wheels?
Should the Redskins be shepherding Tom Brady into pinch hitting as temp QB but only when they play the Cowboys?

I was devastated when Bernie lost the primaries both times.
But I don't blame the DNC. Bernie counted on the youth vote which, by the way, failed to SHOW UP!

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