Exactly. 2020 boiled down for independents to rude, uncouth, obnoxious, very dislikable spoiled brat with his name calling and throwing of temper tantrums, very unpresidential behavior against a likable, but old, dour, uninspiring, unenthusiastic but very much an adult withpresidential behavior. There really wasn’t much there in Biden for the Republicans to latch onto and throw out there to make independents dislike him. Sure, Biden was gaffe prone, but that was part of his charm. Biden in my opinion was the ideal candidate to take on Trump and win the independent vote soundly which is what happened.

There were 7 million ticket splitters in 2020, 7 million who voted for Biden for the presidency and then voted Republican down ballot. I don’t know of any other candidate running in 2020 for the democratic nomination who could have received those 7 million down ballot Republican votes at the top of the ticket. Biden was not only likeable, very important in an election, his persona and past reflected a coolness and calm which independent voters yearned for after Trump. A return to normalcy, bringing back some sanity to the office of the president. That is why in my opinion Biden was able to gain a huge 13-point advantage among independents. In 2020, Biden was the ideal candidate to beat Trump.

After all, you can either nominate the candidate with the best chance of winning an election or make a statement with a candidate with a much lesser chance of winning. I'm all about winning elections. Let other make their statements.

Last edited by perotista; 10/30/22 10:53 PM.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.