Rick, going by today’s numbers, a 50-50 senate split is still the likeliest outcome. But with a week to go with the momentum apparently on the GOP’s side, who knows? Today’s numbers suggest D Fetterman wins in PA, R Laxalt wins in NV, those two states change parties. AZ stays with the Democrats while I expect GA to go to a runoff election to occur on 6 Dec if neither Warnock nor Walker receive 50% plus one vote on 8 Nov. Libertarian Chase Oliver is polling around 3-4%, which in my opinion makes the runoff inevitable if his numbers hold. If today’s numbers hold through election day, whoever wins GA in the runoff will control the senate. Lots of if’s. But the party that now holds the other senate seats seems they’ll keep them.

In which case if I hit the senate right and we do have a runoff in GA, I expect another billion dollars to be spent on it like both parties did in Jan 2021 runoff. Luckily, I stream all my shows and movies now, I don’t turn on live TV, so that’s a billion dollars wasted on me.

The house, most forecasters, pundits, prognosticators are now saying they envision a GOP gain of 20-25 seats. Mine is still 11-13, but I’m waiting on new data and information as most of what I have on the house races is a week old. It doesn’t matter who’s correct on this, the Republicans are going to regain control of the house.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.