It seems as of today, control of the senate boils down to three states. The rest are solidifying to whichever party that holds them now. Those three states are Pennsylvania where D Fetterman’s lead has been cut from 9 points down to 2. Nevada where R Laxalt has taken over the lead from D Cortez Masto who led until the end of September. Laxalt is up by 2 points today. If these holds, PA will be a Democratic gain, NV will be a Republican gain, net result is no change, zero gain for either party.

Which brings me to Georgia with its unique runoff election law which states that if no candidate receives 50% plus one vote, a runoff between the top two candidates will take place on 6 Dec. Today R Walker leads D Warnock 47-45 with Libertarian Chase Oliver at 4%. If these numbers hold, there will be another runoff election in Georgia as in January of 2021. Chances are we won’t know who controls the senate until 7 Dec when the runoff votes are counted in Georgia.

All three states are pure tossups, PA, NV and GA. These 3 could go either way. Fetterman’s and Laxalt’s 1- and 2-point leads are well within the margin of error of the polls. That makes them all a tie, a 100% pure tossup.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.