What I report on is the mood of all America, not just one single political party and its members. In fact, usually I ignore both major parties and concentrate on how independents which make up 40% of the electorate are viewing the happenings today, the goings on, how they feel and think about both major parties and the issues at large. Not just from a blue point of view or just from a red point of view. Of course, I realize one or the other party isn’t going to like what I report on or say. That’s life. But I try to be honest with how America as a whole, especially independents are feeling, thinking, their situation and probably will vote.

It's called being informed. Independents for the most have given this threat to democracy a shrug. They’re hurting by rising prices, of gas, of food, of shelter, being able to heat their home this winter, making ends meet today, taking care of their family’s needs. Is that short sighted? Instead of worry about family and putting food on the table, should they be more worried about the threat to democracy which may or may not be true and if true, that is in the future? They have today to worry about and making it through today, keeping their family in food, clothes, taking care of heating, bills, other necessities before they begin to worry about tomorrow. Is that dumb? Apparently not to them, though it may be to you.

Maybe the democrats have been concentrating on things that are only important to their base, that makes their base happy and satisfied, around 30% of the electorate. That has been their message to all voters. But they have ignored what independents deem this nation’s number one, it’s most important problem and by doing so, ignored independents. Do the republican have any solutions or even ideas to combat inflation. Heck no. They’re just the alternative to what is now, today. It’s simple, if one’s life, one’s situation today is worst then one’s life, situation was 2 years ago, you vote for the party out of power in hopes that will change things and make one’s life better. Call it politics 101.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.