My forecast for tomorrow is a 50-49 GOP edge in the senate with GA going to a runoff to determine control. The Republicans gain 15-20 house seats giving them control of the house.

Now there are several states which are still within the margin of errorr, plus or minus 3 points. Here’s the states taking the MOE into consideration. It’s always very important to take the margin of error into consideration.

AZ D Kelly up by 1 – Kelly could be ahead by 4 or down by 2
NV R Laxalt up by 3 – Laxalt could be ahead by 6 or tied
PA D Fetterman, R Oz tied – Either candidate could be up by 3 or down by 3
GA R Walker up by 1 – Walker could be up by 4 or down by 2 when the MOE is taken into consideration.
NH D Hassan up by 1 – Hassan could be up by 4 or down by 2
WI R Johnson up by 3 – Johnson could be tied or up by 6
WA D Murray up by 3 – Murray could be tied or up by 6

Most prognosticators would rate all the above states as tossups. But I don’t do tossups. I give AZ, PA, NH, WA to the Democrats, NV WI to the Republicans with GA going to a runoff on 6 Dec 2022.

The house looks like a GOP gain of 15-20 seats as independents, the non-affiliated, the less to non-partisan voters seem to be breaking toward the GOP.

One needs to realize in the last four elections, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020 the polls underestimated the Republican vote. The question is, did the polling firms correct this problem. If not, the Republicans are facing a darn good midterm. If the Pollsters over corrected, underestimating the Democratic vote, then there a good chance the Democrats will do well, keeping control of the senate and limiting Republican gains in the house to around 10. I highly doubt the polling firms have got this right on. They'ore never right on.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.