Interesting story:

Disposing of Embryos in Tennesee

When asked, Tennessee AG wrote that the state's trigger law makes it murder to dispose of fertilized embryos never implanted in a woman, because "human life begins at conception". It would also make removing extra embryos from a woman's uterus abortion as well, after IVF implantation. When somebody pointed out how stupid that was, he changed his mind. But why? If their current abortion law makes all ending of a one day old embryo illegal, why wouldn't these acts also be illegal?

This shows how ridiculous their abortion law is, when their fantasies meet reality head-on. I think somebody is bound to sue, on behalf of all those poor murdered babies! Then they either change the law, or just outlaw IVF in Tennessee. And perhaps for Tennessee residents going out of state for IVF.

Educating anyone benefits everyone.