Good morning after a long good night’s sleep. We have currently, as of 0800hrs this AM a 48-48 tie in the senate with NV, AZ, WI and GA not called yet. If Kelly, Laxalt and Johnson hang on and win, they’re ahead now and I don’t think none of the 3 will give up their lead, this will give the GOP a 50-49 advantage with GA going to a runoff for control of the senate. The House as of this AM stands at 199-172 Republican with the rest still to be decided. It’ll take a few days to come up with the final numbers.

But thanks to Trump with his dumb chosen candidates like Oz in PA, Walker in GA, Masters in AZ, Bolduc in NH and more, the Democrats still stand a 50-50 chance of retaining the senate depending on the 6 Dec GA runoff. There’s still 64 house races undecided. If they split right down the middle, the GOP would end up with a 231-204 advantage.

It seems the polls were right on, correct in most cases. As was my forecast. That’s called blowing one’s horn. Once I get the exit polls, I’ll dissect the reason why. I call this election a split decision when it shouldn’t have been according to Historical Norms, standards. The Republicans should have had their wave election. But that is what it is or wasn’t. I’ll add this as an early observation, independents seemed to go against Trump’s chosen candidates, but for republicans over democrats who weren’t a high profile Trump choice. But thanks to Trump, the democrats were able to keep their losses to a bare minimum. More to come on this at a later date once the exit polls are digested.

Last edited by perotista; 11/09/22 01:49 PM.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.