Rick, I don’t run in either the Republican nor the Democratic circles and I don’t pay any attention to either party’s talking heads. I don’t give a cat’s meow or a cow’s moo about what either side says, I ignore them. Republicans predicting a red wave, sure. Hearts not number, polls, hard data nor stats talking. The same with the Democrats talking heads. I go with 538, RCP, Cook, Rothenberg, Inside edition, Sabato, more. The unbiased professionals.

I do think a red wave was possible from January until the first week of August. Being possible doesn’t mean and didn’t mean it would happen. Even then you were looking at a likely gain of around 20 seats for the GOP in the house. A wave election is described as the out of power party gaining 30 plus seats while taking control of the house. Senate wise, the largest gain possible was 3 seats, AZ, NV, GA, the rest were rated safe/likely.

That changed during the first week of August when the Democrats took the momentum away from the Republicans. The house gains dropped to 10 for the GOP and the Democrats were looking at a possible 2 seat gain in the senate. At the end of September, the momentum switch again back to the Republicans where it became apparent around a 15-seat gain in the house was the most likely for them. The senate became a pure tossup. Neither party gaining more than one seat or the senate remaining 50-50 tie. This is history among the non-biased professionals.

No red wave was ever forecasted. I should say, it was forecasted only by very partisan, very biased Republican talking heads who refused to go by the numbers and unbiased data. They were idiots as far as I’m concerned who were only saying what their followers, supporters, audience, viewership wanted to hear. No truth or facts involved. I ignored them, pretty much as I ignored those who were saying the Democrats would retain control of the house.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.