You see what you want to see. Explain to me why after the 24 June ruling overturning ROE, that the Republicans continued to lead in the generic congressional poll by the roughly the same margin for more than a month after the overturning. From a 2.6 point lead down to a 2.4 point lead until August when Trump became the focal point for a good month and a half enabling the Democrats to take the lead in the generic.

You’re talking Kentucky, Vermont, California and Michigan. The only surprise among those 4 might be Kentucky. The rest are Democratic states. Republicans won 5 of Kentucky’s 6 congressional districts. The abortion measure there to was to exclude abortion rights from the state constitution which by a 53-47 margin. Very close. Abortion didn’t change a single congressional district in Kentucky. Republicans also swept Montana’s congressional delegation although another abortion measure was defeated there.

Abortion didn’t change any outcome, not even in Kansas. It seems to me it was more a reluctance of independents to vote for Trump chosen candidates, a reluctance to support candidates of a party lead by Trump. Across the board, you can see Republican winning in different states, statewide elections, by an average of 8 points more than Trump chosen candidates or Trump election deniers, Trumpers in general. Democrats owe Trump a huge thankyou note. Trump was the biggest asset the Democratic had going for them, especially among independents as I said more times than I can count, don’t care for Trump.

You can make abortion the deciding factor if you wish, but the facts, numbers show differently.

Now you might enjoy this.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.