All I want to know is why 45% of all women voted Republican this time around, the highest percentage voting Republican since 2014. Abortion may have been mighty important to a lot of women, no doubt. But as I stated many times, those who abortion was mighty important were already democrats and voted that way. Only, if only is the right word, in 2016 41% of women voted for Trump, 40% of women voted for Republican congressional candidates in 2018 while 42% voted for Trump in 2020. All lower percentages of the woman’s vote going Republican than in 2022. Abortion didn’t seem to change any woman’s vote as to who they were planning on voting for.. If abortion was the game changer as you seem to imply, wouldn’t a higher percentage, more women vote Democratic this year than in previous years?

I don’t think abortion played a major part for 2 reasons. Why the overturning of ROE didn’t change any of these women’s minds as to who they had planned to vote for. 1. Is above, more women this year voted for Republicans than in the 3 previous elections and less women voted Democratic this year, also less than any of the three previous elections. 2. Overturning Roe didn’t move the generic congressional ballot one solitary inch until 5 weeks after the decision. By that time Trump had entered the fray as the news headliner star. Trump’s entry changed the momentum from Republican to democratic.

On a lighter note, here’s an interesting article.

The New York Times - Trump Angst Wracks Republicans (Again) as 2024 Announcement Looms

From the article: “As an American, the idea of another Trump campaign and all of his lies and divisiveness and his efforts to undermine American democracy is an absolute horror show,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont. “On the other hand, I got to say that as a politician who wants to see that no Republican is elected to the White House in 2024, from that perspective, his candidacy is probably a good thing.”

I totally agree with senator Sanders.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.