Pondering - I think the Republicans will now enter a civil war period. At least that’s how it looks now. Trump and his MAGA candidates took a whipping this time around. But they still want control of the Republican Party. There are other non-MAGA, non-Trump Republicans who want to move on. They know Trump and MAGA aren’t the type of candidate that win in the general election, sticking with them means more defeats in the future. McCarthy and McConnell may be out. The Democrats may rejoice at that, but those two could be considered moderate when compared to who replaces them. Time will tell.

Trump, MAGA republicans still want control of the GOP, sane Republicans, Republicans interested in winning general elections knows MAGA is a losing proposition as this election proved. The question is, are there enough non-MAGA Republicans to oust MAGA. I doubt it. But all of this helps the Democrats. Too many Republicans are only interested in making a statement, they're Trumpers, they’re not interested in winning elections. Watch and see what happens, this could be interesting.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.