Not to interrupt Jeff’s hysterics and propaganda screeds but does anyone else find the FTX meltdown hilarious?

Dem Congress rubber stamps billions to a far right proxy government of Ukraine. Far right government invests in FTX. FTX invest in Dem party. What a racket.

With incoming Republican control of Congress one wonders if we’ll get show trial investigations into the matter. My money says no. Both right wing parties did trips to the Ukraine where dark deeds got done and transfer arrangements get made.

Not that there isn’t precedent for liberalism getting into bed with fascist when there’s money to be made but this is a tragicomedy unfolding on a large scale.

My money is on the tried and true ‘good faith investors defrauded by a single bad faith individual’ and they’ll move on to the next Lex Luther comment claims accompanied by hysteric upper middle class aghastitude.