You wonder about the DOJ, here in Georgia I’m wondering about the Atlanta DA. With either one I’d expect a political firestorm. I think Trump announced so early so he can claim his indictment by either Atlanta, or the DOJ is nothing more than a Democratic administration, party, partisan witch hunt and trial due to both the Atlanta DA and the DOJ under Democrats. That Trump is be persecuted solely for political reasons as the democrats don't want him runnng for president. Which in all honesty, they don't.

I also predict that the 40% of Americans who are democrats or independents lean democratic will rejoice. That around 40% of Americans who are republicans or independents lean republican will defend Trump, be outraged and probably take to the streets in protest as they view the indictments if they come as nothing more than Democratic partisanship revenge. An unwarranted use of government power for purely political partisan reasons. The remain 20% won’t give an owl’s hoot about the whole thing one way or the other. They won’t care.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.