That doesn't mean the polls were wrong, it means house predictions were slightly off. Remember there were 45 house seats I took a SWAG on that I couldn't find any polls on. The house generic polls were right on with the total popular vote. It's the number of seats won and lost that were slightly off. I'm satisfied with the senate, 34 out of 35. 97% there. There are still 7 seats according to CNN that hasn’t been called. The GOP leads in 4, the Democrats in 3. If those leads hold up, that would give the GOP a gain of 9 seats from their original 213 to 222. Think about that, The Democrats entered the midterm with a 222-213 advantage, if the leads hold up in the final 7 outstanding not called seats, the Republicans will have an identical 222-213 advantage the Democrats just had. Amazing for a numbers guy.

9 isn’t 13-15, but considering we’re talking about 435 seats, that isn’t too bad. Remember I said 13-15 seat gain for the Republicans. Missing it by 4 if everything holds, I think that’s pretty good. It’s real close. One seat the democrats lead in is Alaska which has ranked choice voting. Alaska is still counting votes for the 1st round. With 90% of the vote counted for the 1st round D Peltola leads with 48%, R Palin is next with 26%, R Begich at 24% and Independent Bye 2%. Since Peltola didn’t receive the 50% plus one vote, they’ll have to go to round 2 where Bye is eliminate and his 2nd choice votes are given to whomever they chose, then probably a 3rd round where Begich’s 2nd choice votes are awarded to either Peltola or Palin.

Another interesting race I’ve been watching is the Alaska senate race, again with 90% of the votes counted in the first round of ranked choice voting. R Tshibaka leads with 43.3%, R Murkowski has 43.1% D Chesbro at 10% and R Kelly at 3%. This one will be headed for a 2nd round also and probably a 3rd round.

Oh, Greger said 11 seat gain for the GOP, so he came closer than I did. That would be 224 Republican seats to my 226-228. Beaten by a rookie, congratulation Greger.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.