It might be a good time to resurrect this thread, as the dog caught the car, again, but this time it was the illegitimate, well I call it SCROTUS, that caught Roe V. Wade.
Looking back in the thread there was considerable humor, but even as I'm writing this, the humor is ebbing!
Back then we could just laugh at some mentioned like Meadows, and Louis Gohmert, who, believe it or not was a Judge in the Texas county of "The Hammer" House Majority leader Tom Delay of Sugarland.
Now we are going to have Jim Jordan 24/7 investigating every Biden anywhere who were to blame for Benghazi, uh Hillary's emails and server, and Vince Foster's murder!
Though slightly suggestive of thread drift, I would say that "Critter Corner", is an appropriate place for such a discussion! Louis Gohmert, has not grown any teeth since back then, but he sure has been flapping his gums even more bizarre than before, and I can hardly wait to see his purformance

in the Iowa Caukasus

, hope I speeled it writ, in 2024!