Despite all the hubbub regarding midterms the only real news was Trump is running again, just as every person who understands narcissists would have predicted.

On the bright side, none of the election deniers, who had all stated they would have overturned the election, were elected. Thus one avenue for Trump to win (in case he actually loses) has been shunted. Of course we still have to wait to see what Republican legislatures will do regarding new election laws. It could be they will try to retain all the power of the elections and award themselves power to overturn elections or not certify them. Gotta wait on that and the SC to see where they are going (they have ruled against Trump but may be waiting to rule FOR Republicans).

Despite all the focus groups and polling as one pundit who agreed with me said, when it comes right down to the nitty gritty the base will continue to follow Trump. He is their voice .... Gov De Santis is but a faint echo.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!