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Do we HAVE to watch a 48 minute video? Sorry, not interested in devoting forty-eight minutes to your "somewhere between Fox News and the Carnegie Foundation's theory of why liberals get the bullet, too."
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com
(There’s a swear in the title so linking out looks prohibited by it)
I’m not so sure it will do that much damage. The Dems will deploy the blame cannons, assets at the propaganda mills, ink squirting obfuscation, and frame the criminality as yet another hit job from the ‘vast right wing conspiracy’.
Not sure about it bringing on an economic meltdown either. Seems to be a self contained house fire with no adjoining structures. Our slow steady decline looks unlikely to be sped up by this latest funny money crime spree, IMO.
Still, the other right wing party that will take control of Congress has made investigating the crookedness of the Biden family their first priority. Ought to be fun watching in a way that Epstein’s crimes and connections weren’t for some odd reason.
I could care less wether you watch a video or not. You think this thread is about you and your emotions?
Nope and it has nothing to do with my response where I asked if we HAVE to sit through 48 minutes of blather. That said, you DID actually START with some reference to "Jeff's hysterics" which would be YOU attempting to MAKE the thread "about me". https://readerrant.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=346236#Post346236
Projection duly noted. Cheap parlor trick.
PS: In the interest of debate, I'll post the URL with an asterisk and all readers have to do is copy/paste into a new browser tab after replacing the * with the correct letter.
as unspooling scandals battle a collapsing economy for supremacy of the alt news sites.
---Alt-news sites? Does that include Alex Jones and Joe Rogan, or just evil Democrats like Raw Story?
Originally Posted by Kunstler
with echos in ballot harvesting shenanigans which shaped the outcome of this month’s US elections. Mr. Bankman-Fried is still scheduled as a main speaker for Accenture’s Nov. 30 DealBook Conference in New York ($2,499 for a ticket), along with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. Odds on him showing up? Or even being alive elsewhere on this planet then?
And the Democrats are responsible for Accenture's decision to include a crypto guy? Should Janet Yellen have pulled out a fake badge Herschel style and attempted to arrest him if he showed up? Does Biden get the blame for that?
Originally Posted by Kunstler
which lobbies Congress to construct new platforms for medical tyranny.
Define please, sounds like Kunstler may be making veiled anti-vax references.
Originally Posted by Kunstler
Gary Gensler, who specialized in blockchains there, is now head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, an agency that Sam Bankman-Fried was attempting to rope into a regulation scheme to eliminate FTX’s crypto-currency competitors.
Oh I see, Biden is directly implicated in the SEC lack of action? Why not just blame him for not reining in the SEC's destruction of thousands of documents related to preliminary investigations of alleged crimes committed by Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, SAC Capital in 2007-8? And WHERE WAS OBAMA on 9/11, by the way? <<<---this is sarcasm, satire
Originally Posted by Kunstler
Caroline Ellison is currently on-the-run.
From what? Fill us in? Is she a fugitive implicated in a crime?
Originally Posted by Kunstler
the quintessence of Woke-Jacobin turpitude in service to a political faction that seeks maximum moneygrubbing while acting to overthrow every norm of behavior in the conduct of elections
I see, so you and Kunstler think that the Democrats were the key players in overturning elections, not Trump, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and his 147 co-conspirators on Capitol Hill?
It's just as Justin Rosario keeps saying, you're eager to make Dems out as "the real killers"...O.J. Style. And talk about "blame cannons", the entire Kunstler piece is ONE GIANT blame cannon.
Kunstler (and you) both sound positively giddy. Rule over those ashes, boys!
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com
This guy does a nice job of explaining the energy crises and deindustrialization facing Europe. Added bonus, it’s short for people who have a problem with lenth of time.
As the material conditions degrade for Europeans, it will be interesting to see how much an aesthetic politics buttressed with media (propaganda) assets can cope. Lots of lifestyles being diminished. A mad scramble to maintain social positions. How will politics react?
My guess is reactively. More narrative control as reality, etc.
This guy does a nice job of explaining the energy crises and deindustrialization facing Europe. Added bonus, it’s short for people who have a problem with lenth of time.
As the material conditions degrade for Europeans, it will be interesting to see how much an aesthetic politics buttressed with media (propaganda) assets can cope. Lots of lifestyles being diminished. A mad scramble to maintain social positions. How will politics react?
My guess is reactively. More narrative control as reality, etc.
Oh well, guess we'd all better bow down to Putin and give him what he wants then.
Hmmmm, let's see...fifty or sixty years of giving the House of Saud whatever THEY wanted and we got rewarded with fifteen Saudi nationals flying aircraft into two of the most important buildings in New York City and triggering a wave of terror as they financially and materially backed EVER INCREASING amounts of terrorism across the globe and all over the Middle East.
Sure, let's repeat that process with Putin! Maybe he will be a nice guy and let Eastern Europe and Germany continue to exist. Hmmm, that's not what happened in 1961, was it?
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com
By the way, in case Putin was hoping for his own Pope Pius who would cuddle up warm and cozy with his fascist war on Ukraine, looks like it's not in the cards because Pope Francis says Putin is actually trying to pull off "Holodomor 2.0" as far as he's concerned.
"This Saturday marks the anniversary of the terrible genocide of the Holodomor, the extermination by famine of 1932-33 that was artificially caused by Stalin. Let us pray for the victims of this genocide and let us pray for so many Ukrainians - children, women, elderly - who are today suffering the martyrdom of aggression."
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com
S’funny how the right wingers go on and on and on about Holdomor as though it was the only consequential event that could possibly shape the current war crimes. Mums the word for other atrocities before or after Holdomor. Maybe it’s godda happen to Jews for an atrocity to have relevance? Dunno. Maybe a Palestinian could weigh in here or a Galician pole?
Say… who was Stephan Bandera?…
Just as an aside, some interesting reading out there on where the death tolls are falling heaviest on what regions in Ukraine from forced conscription. Apparently, ethnic cleansing only comes to certain groups in certain times for some.
Here’s a nice read of the fast paced changes happenning with the far right Europeans and the Ukranian Ultras Jeff’s not be able see.
Know your fascists is what I’d file it under cept they only appear at certain times and under certain circumstances for most here
‘ For years, Ukrainian nationalist movements such as Svoboda or Pravyi Sektor were promoting an introverted, state-centered nationalism inherited from the early 1930s’ Ukrainian Nationalist Organization (Orhanizatsiia Ukrayins’kykh Natsionalistiv) and largely dominated by Western Ukrainian and Galician nationalist worldviews. The EuroMaidan revolution, Crimea’s annexation by Russia, and the war in Donbas changed the paradigm of Ukrainian nationalism, giving birth to the Azov movement. The Azov National Corps (Natsional’nyj korpus), led by Andriy Biletsky, was created on October 16, 2014, on the basis of the Azov regiment, now integrated into the Ukrainian National Guard.’
This article is not for you Jeff. It’s long and has dates, figures, political groups, etc..and more of the academic vein. I’ll save the comics for ya, though