Getting closer to the end, CNN now has the house 220-212 with 3 races yet to be determined. CA-2 and CA 13 which the Republican leads along with Alaska ranked voting at large district. The Democrat Peltoia will end up the winner once everything is done up there. Bringing the house to what looks like a final of 222-213. That 222-213 sound familiar? This is how the house stood prior to the election, except the Democrats had the majority. That would be a net gain of 9 seats for the GOP. Right close to Greger’s predicted 11.

However, CNN’s flipped, or pickup seats don’t match the probably final results. CNN has the Democrats flipping or gaining 6 republican formerly held seats while the GOP flipped or gained 18 formerly held Democratic seats. A net gain of 12 instead of 9. I’m still bugged by this. 213 Republicans seats prior to the election, a net gain of 12 should give them 225, not 222.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.