Originally Posted by perotista
Warnock is seen as forgetting Georgians.
Originally Posted by perotista
Warnock problem among Georgians, a good many of them is he ceased listening to them. The term used most is out of touch or forgotten.
How did Warnock "forget" Georgians? Was it that infrastructure bill that Warnock voted for? Or, did Warnock forget Georgia by voting Improved health care for veterans? Perhaps it was the CHIPS and Science Act - to help lower the cost of everyday goods, strengthen American manufacturing and innovation to which Georgians would benefit form.

Curious how Warnock "forget" Georgians. smile

Originally Posted by perotista
...independents put more stock in who a candidate is than members of either political party. The R and the D is all that matters to them.
I've said that in in another post:
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Independents showed they could actually be independents. Usually they're just closet Repoblicans. This year, they did what they never do in midterms, they came in droves for the party in power...
Originally Posted by perotista
To be well liked by your constituents, you should pay some attention to them. Not shove them off in the closet never to be seen or heard from until election time when you open the door to get their vote..
Did Warnock not hold any town halls? Did Warnock not spend any time in GA?

Contrarian, extraordinaire