The GOP turned a blind eye to Trump's acquiescing submissively to Putin, the Ukraine quid-pro-quo, his 2020 election fraud alternative facts, Trump's J6 insurrection fomenting, the grifting while POTUS , the two impeachments, the constant lies, stealing national secret documents, the Executive Orders destroying the environment and other norms decent Americans hold dear - and suddenly the GOP throws Trump under the bus for breaking bread with a known anti-Semitic and a known White Nationalist? This is especially rich given that racism and bigotry are staples of MAGA and conservative Republicans.

I'm not buying the GOPs new move at all.

Trump breaking bread with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes is a convenient way to end ties with Trump given the impending indictments coming down the pike. Expediency over principle is always the go-to move for the GOP.


Contrarian, extraordinaire