Originally Posted by pdx rick
The midterms validate that Donald Trump, Trumpism, the party's lurch to far right wing extremism including white nationalism, white supremacy, Christian nationalism, antisemitism, authoritarianism, Fascism, and the "Big Lie" of stolen elections hurt, not helped candidates in the 2022 midterms - so what is the GOP going to do about it? Tap right-wing extremists to lead a group tasked to expand GOP appeal.

Per Politico, Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel is launching two advisory groups in an effort to expand the party's appeal to voters and examine what went wrong in the wake of stunning, historic midterm election losses – and she's turning to some of the right's most extreme leaders to perform the investigations.

You can't make this stuff up.

It was rightwing extremism which infected the GOP which lead to the midterm losses, so the GOP thinking is to have rightwing extremists tell the GOP what went wrong. Hilarious! smile

WHICH advisory groups? WHICH extremists?
I can dig around and hope that I find who and what you're referring to but I'd much rather hear you flesh out those references if you would be so kind.

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