Actually, I have an in-law that’s been a manager for one of the worlds largest subscription based legal information/publishing services providers. I know how subscription based services work, thanks.

No amount of your time doing grip work for a bureau (I’m guessing your bona fides for the business structures of information distribution) nullifies decades of misinformation and outright propaganda from our infotainment industry regardless of where they get their reporting and how it’s legally structured. I’m other words, blow it out yer ear.

I’ll see your Iron curtain and raise you an Austrian-Hungarian empire. No? How bout an Ottoman? I find it hilarious you’d bring up the Iron Curtain while living in an Imperial nation bent on hanging onto its messianic delusions of world domination. S’cuse me, full spectrum global domination. Anyhow, I can’t imagine the hysterics from your mindset if Russia installed weapons systems up to our borders and its President made speeches about toppling our government. I’m sure we’d handle it much different than Russia.

Yet another question goes unanswered by the ink squirter? Shucks what a suprise… guess we’ll just have to guess what the butchers bill is for Ukrainian KIA? Maybe rely on yellow cake news corp. Some ‘embedded’ reporting from a military base press briefing annex trailer, not so much from independant, front line reporters from either side of the line?

Anyhow, your semantic bloviations aside, you can mischaracterize another sanctions boondoggle as ‘bowing to Putin’ if it helps you. Doesn’t matter what you think or feel about it. Only time will tell how effective this G7 scheme will play out. What’s this one now, the 9th? Wasn’t the first ‘Mother of all Sanctions’ suppose to bring Russia to its knees? Make the Russian economy scream and create a mass uprising or some such nonsense? So far, sanctions have been a self own but as long as it doesn’t materially impact the people concocting them, I guess theirs no downside to passing more. So far anyways.

It’s funny how failure and incompetence never seem to have a price for some classes, harsh consequences for others. Europe does have a class culture for peasant revolts though so it may get bumpy in the next few months. I hope it gets covered by a NFP subscription based wire service though… I’d hate to rely on think tanks for my ‘news’.

Last edited by chunkstyle; 12/05/22 04:28 AM.