Perhaps you could point to your claim that ‘ the one that claims that Ukraine is a neo-nazi nation filled to the brim with neo-nazi people.’

Buy you can’t really. This is old ground your trodding on. I never made the claim and you continue to do you.

This subject has been covered by serious scholars and diplomats, which I have linked to. It is a problem, especially politically, and one which the US has supported.

Last I knew, our military does not include natal lions of fascist paramilitaries in its force composition. Please correct me if I’m wrong here. What would be the equivalent to the Ukraine fascist force structures.

I think you minimizing a very real problem which will have the potential to spill into its neighboring states as conditions worsen for Ukraine.

But again, makes no difference how we feel about it. Material conditions will present themselves, as always, it’s the media’s job to control the narrative surrounding those conditions.

Minimizing, obfuscation and omission are popular tools for this. Why one could call it propaganda even.

Last edited by chunkstyle; 12/05/22 04:34 PM.