Originally Posted by chunkstyle
Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
Originally Posted by chunkstyle
Merely pointing out the assurance our government gave the EU was an empty one. A bad habit for diplomacy, imo.

Well I guess we'd better dismiss Zelensky then.
Here ya go Pooty, Ukraine's all yours because USA=evil.

Feel better now?

Aww Jeeze no Jeff. Let’s keep flooding the zone and not try negotiation like the Russians were prior to March. Let’s keep helping to continue the slaughter that isn’t happening to the Ukrainian army. Or is. Guess it depends on what paper you read.

There you go about feelings again.

Oh such sincere negotiations in March. LOL
Let's all trust that the Russians intended to keep their promises, like they're keeping them now.
Defend Pooty at all costs!

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