Originally Posted by chunkstyle
Oh Jeff, your so precious with all your ‘self determination’ framing. You really do a good job possuming as a liberal.

I believe the correct epithet is "shitlib", isn't that right?
But you just called me a fascist a moment ago. Can't make up your mind?

You're all over the road these days, one minute you're labeling someone a fascist because they don't believe your claim that the entire Ukraine military are nazis, next minute you're yelling the equivalent of "FAKE NEWS!" because two or three nonprofits aren't following your favorite apologist's YouTube videos.

UPDATE: OMG OMG I think I just made the connection.
Calling a shitlib a fascist is almost 98% of the way over to Jonah Goldberg's "Liberal Fascism!"

You're riding that Horseshoe Theory right to the edge, aintcha?

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