Originally Posted by chunkstyle
‘It was also ideologically-driven, she added, since these far right groups viewed the fight against Russia as a fight against communism, clinging to World War II historical narratives, and associating modern-day Russia and its president, Vladimir V. Putin, with the former Soviet Union.

Far right groups in Europe plan to confront Russian firces

Gee… who else continues to conflate current day Russia and its security concerns with the former Soviet Union?


Not me, they're not communists, and someone should seek out this little group of UKR neo-nazis and let them know...Russia is fascist now. They sure as hell aren't communist!

Butcha know what? That does not change Putin's intent to recreate an Iron Curtain because, as it turns out, it would be every bit as advantageous to his reconstructed Imperial Russian Empire as it was for the Soviet Union.

For Pooty, whether or not it's commie or fashy doesn't matter, an Iron Curtain to bolster Russian encroachment into Europe is what matters.

It's not the least bit odd, it's Putin's revenge against the West.
Authoritarianism Left or Right, just add some Patriarch Kiril holy water and a dash of Dugin's sweat if you want Righty authoritarianism or your dough won't rise in the oven.

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