When other countries form a coalition government, you’re talking 3 or more viable parties which have seats in their parliament. Here, we have two parties with no other party to form a coalition with. In other countries, the party with the most members usually doesn’t have enough seats to make a majority, 50% plus 1, thus making it a must to form a coalition with other parties to get to a majority.

Having said that, you do have 213 democrats, all that would be needed is 5 moderate republicans so fed up with Trumpism that they’d unite with the democrats. But would those 5 moderate republicans be willing to give the speakership to a democrat? Maybe to a outside man? There’s no requirement the speaker must be a member of the House.

The Democrats accomplished a lot with but 222 members in the house. They were united. The Republicans are disunited. McCarthy will be challenged by a Trumper. It may be a long while before the house can achieve the 218 votes needed to pick the next speaker. Even if McCarthy finally makes it as speaker, he’ll be beholding to Trumpers like MTG.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.