Here’s an interesting article.

Turnout by Republicans Was Great. It's Just That Many of Them Didn't Vote for Republicans.

The exit polls for the runoff hasn’t been published yet. But it seems many more Republicans voted than democrats, only a bunch of them voted for Warnock over Walker. The Article goes into much more detail.

Here in Georgia, Trump gets the blame for losing our two Republican senate seats back in 2021 runoff. Trump’s, your vote won’t count campaign. Then Trump comes up with a dunce to run for the senate in Walker. I do think here in Georgia there’s probably more anti-Trump Republicans than in any other state. It wasn’t turnout that that cost Walker to be defeated.

From the article which I agree with.

In state after state, the final turnout data shows that registered Republicans turned out at a higher rate — and in some places a much higher rate — than registered Democrats, including in many of the states where Republicans were dealt some of their most embarrassing losses.

Instead, high-profile Republicans like Herschel Walker in Georgia or Blake Masters in Arizona lost because Republican-leaning voters decided to cast ballots for Democrats, even as they voted for Republican candidates for U.S. House or other down-ballot races in their states.

Georgia is a fine example. While Walker may blame turnout for his poor showing in November and earlier this week, other Republican candidates seemed to have no problem at all. Gov. Brian Kemp won by nearly 8 points over Stacey Abrams; Republican candidates for House won the most votes on the same day.

Yet Sen. Raphael Warnock won in Georgia anyway because a large group of voters willing to back other Republicans weren’t willing to back Walker.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.